2nd Workshop of project Long Lasting Memories


On behalf of ICT-PSP-238904 LongLastingMemories (LLM) project, we would like to invite you on our last project workshop, which will be held on the 13th of December 2011 in Salamanca Spain, hosted by FUNDACION INTRAS.  

It is a full day of conference and exhibition of projects and networking with stakeholders on new assistive and technologies and services that promote active ageing.
n this respect, we would like to officially invite your assistive projects to our event, to participate with the following options:

1.- Presentation at the workshop 20’min (if the topic is suitable for the three we have defined) on lessons learnt and results of pilots validation and exploitation business plans, initiating thus a liaison activity and exchanging our experiences and knowledge gained so far.
2.- Presentations at the project exhibition: Stand. With a time slot for "open space" to present to the attendants
3.- Showing a demo of your solution, as a “hands on” experience, at the technologies exhibition.
4.- Participate in a round table discussion of relevant CIP IST PSP projects to evaluate and plan close synergies and activities.

Link to Invititation 

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